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« Chapter 26 - Egypt - Land of the Pharaohs | Main | Chapter 28 - Jordan - Walking Through 2000-Year-Old Villages »


Douglas Effinger

Dear Mr. Chmielewski,
I am a 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher at Marble Falls Middle School and have just perused your blog and read the article of your travels in Africa in The Picayune. I think its awesome what you have offered on your blog and am sharing the info with my partner teacher here. I understand that you are probably very busy with things in your life but I was wondering if you would possibly consider coming to our school and giving a presentation to our students? Judging from what I've seen and read I know that this would be a real treat, not just for the children, but for the adults, also. If it is at all possible, would you please get back to me on this? Thank you very much for your time.
Douglas Effinger
6th Grade Social Studies

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